Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is energy deregulation?

Energy deregulation is the restructuring of the existing energy markets in order to prevent energy monopolies. Deregulation does this by increasing supply competition. Our RFP (request for pricing) process allows our clients to choose from multiple energy suppliers based on rates and terms that best suit their needs. For more information about deregulation, see:

2. How do you provide supply rates below my utility?

Energy deregulation means that energy suppliers are able to compete against each other for your business. After Circuit Energy Group assesses your needs and reviews your consumption, we identify the most cost-efficient options for your business. We then develop an RFP (request for pricing) that we submit to multiple energy suppliers. In response, suppliers provide us with a competitive bid.

3. How much do your services cost?

CEG will never invoice clients for procurement services. Through our RFP process, the winning supplier pays us a broker fee monthly throughout the contract term.

4. How much will I save?

Client savings will vary. The utility companies only provide variable rates, and they change from month to month. This makes it impossible to provide exact savings, however we are able to provide clients with an estimated savings projection during our supplier quote review.

5. Can I aggregate multiple meters / locations into one contract?

Yes, clients with multiple meters within the same utility can be aggregated into the same supply agreement. Reach out to us to learn more about your specific situation.

6. In what states do you work?

We provide professional energy procurement and energy management services to commercial and industrial customers in deregulated states throughout the United States, with a primary focus on the Northeast.

7. Will the supplier send me a separate bill?

You have an option. Consolidated billing is available which means that you will continue to receive one bill from your current billing utility. If you wish, you can opt for dual billing, in which you will receive a separate bill for the supply portion from the contracted provider.

8. How long does the RFP process take?

Generally, the RFP process takes approximately 10 days; however, we are constantly monitoring the energy markets. We may choose to extend the RFP timeframe if the market warrants and there is benefits to our client.

9. How many suppliers will participate in the RFP?

We will send the RFP to all licensed suppliers in a particular utility territory who are providing competitive pricing. Normally 6 to 10 suppliers will participate.

10. Can I terminate my contract if rates drop?

Contracts can be terminated by either party normally with a 60-day written notice. However, clients must be aware of the fine print in their contract. Suppliers will charge an early termination fee should the agreement be terminated before the end of term.

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